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Baby food drops import declaration process

      Baby productsAnd food, in recent years, the development is particularly rapid, they are more pursuit of fast, convenient, fashionable way, from the initial powder, tablet to soft capsule and now drops, etc., and the development momentum is relatively fast - nutrition drops。Drops are a widely used dosage form in infant food. For infants and young children, the process of ingesting drops is quantified, and nutrient absorption is also of great benefit. Next, let's talk about a customer's infant dropsImport declaration process

Baby food drops import declaration process
1. Customs declaration process:
      1. Pre-examination of Chinese labels
      Imported foodYou need to do the label pre-examination first, and send it to the label pre-examination window for label pre-examination。
      2, goods to customs declaration
      After the goods arrive at the port and are divided into warehouses, our customs agents use the customs declaration materials prepared in advance to enter the information in the customs declaration system, and then send the declaration on-site at the customs declaration window。
      3. Arrange for inspection and sampling
      Make an appointment for inspection and sampling after customs declaration. Before sampling, the products must be affixed with Chinese labels as required, and some will be affixed in foreign countries. (After having Chinese labels, you can make records in advance.)。On-site inspection (morning customs declaration can be about the afternoon inspection, afternoon customs declaration is generally the next day inspection, different customs conditions are different), the customs officer will randomly sample the product and then take it to the test, and issue a release slip。
      4. Release the goods
      The goods can be sent to the customer after receiving the release form, which can reduce storage time and save costs。
      5. Issue a health certificate
      There is no problem with the laboratory test results, and the relevant health certificate will be issued to the customer。
Ii. Remarks:
      在Food import declarationThere are many links that can be carried out at the same time or in advance, such as pre-label examination and label filing。Shipping as soon as possible after the release can reduce unnecessary costs for customers。


Focus on import customs clearance agent, agent import documents, ATA document declaration, temporary import and export agency services, export agent, export declaration, international freight forwarders;Please contact us at 400-888-0577 。 | Baby food drops import declaration process |  
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